
Saturday 19 May 2012

5 social habits

-Was that Alex? Sasha was never Sasha when he was in England, in more ways than one.
-What did he say?
-...The usual. To be fair we never really talk about much when we call each other.
We both returned to our comfortable silence. I started rolling a cigarette. I don't actually roll cigarettes, I fold them. I put the paper on a flat surface, nicely pick my tobacco, add the filter if I have one and fold it -kinda like a Swiss roll.
-You want me to roll you one, babe?
He nodded. He didn't really smoke. It was more of a social habit. Something that he picked up from me. I didn't want him to smoke.
You know how some thoughts create a chain reaction?That one took me way back to the days where I didn't question common sense and meaning. I used to hide behind the sofa with a pen in mouth pretending I was smoking. I guess I must have been about 5. I remember this one specific time when my grandmother caught me. I knew "smoking was bad" , hence the use of the term 'caught'. I didn't know what to say so I took my beating like a 5 year old -with shouting and tears and of course the regret. I don't remember if she made me promise that I won't do it again. I always loved the feeling of holding a cigarette in  my hand. It  just made me happy.
 I picked up smoking for the social habits, for the air that a lid cigarette gives to the one that's holding it, for the passing of time, for killing boredom, for a better appreciation of fresh air and for the enhancement of wisdom behind even the most stupidest statement.
Smoking makes some people appear more intelligent. I am one of those people. I also picked that up quickly and started using it to my advantage.To be fair 'abuse' would be a much suitable word. I spiced it up with sudden change of tones, inflections and long pauses to fill up my lungs before "la piece de resistance" and of course, my favorite, breathing the smoke out after "la piece de resistance" .
I don't only seem much more intelligent when I smoke, it makes me more attractive. For some reason I also flirt more when I'm smoking: there's nothing like 'the lost' look, the gazing into thin air  contemplating thoughts that don't belong in this world look, with half a smile on your face while your lips are slowly blowing out grey little clouds of consumed pleasure.
Of course it all depends on how you do it. With the right attitude and the proper twists smoking can also make you seem depressed, angry or frightening. It can make you seem important or it can make you seem detached. Smoking is a powerful tool. It's a pity really that so many people want to give it up.It's even more of a pity that very few people know how to use it.

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