
Monday 14 May 2012

2 excuse my French

Now where was I?! Ah yes!
As a teenager I was always a bit of a rebel- well, in the terms that having a mother that was never there and an retired military general as a father that was there far too much allowed. According to the world I cursed too much, I smoked too much, I drank too much, I was far to inappropriate in far too inappropriate times, I spent too much time with the wrong people and most importantly, all that lead to wasting my talent away. The talent they were talking about or, better put, the talent they thought I was wasting was really I mystery to me. I don't say it out of modesty, I say it precisely 'cause I know my  true talent very well, at least well enough to make such a statement. And! I also know that if they knew my talent or merely had a vague idea about what it really was most of them would've decided to stop wasting energy and 'words of wisdom' on the ignorant. Well at least in the face of the ignorant- few things are more enjoyable than publicly criticising ignorance behind closed doors. And ignorance almost never receives such criticism as it does behind closed doors, where, funny thought that might have occurred to those that have an eye for sarcasm, it is ever so present.
But there's a valuable lesson that people who give out free advice and personal opinions are too busy to learn. You can't save two kinds of souls, those who are (so called) far too ignorant to even realise their sinful nature and those who truly "don't give a fuck" (excuse my French) about your overused, over-shouted, meaningless truth. I was both.
Funny thought ran through my mind! Laura was her name I think.She was one of my (so they call them) coaches in my early days as a legally working immigrant. Along several other things she encouraged me to be confident and 'fuck it', then she spiced it up with a lovely "excuse my French". I started giggling as I do when in a very conservative environment, people put their masks away for a second. She then immediately added "No! It wasn't French! But you get the idea." I thought she ruined the joke and so our little moment of truthfulness was over-foe legal and business purposes. Actually...she thought I didn't get it. 'And you just realised this now?!' I ask myself. Of course I only ask myself rhetoric or obvious questions, I'm too fucking intelligent for any of the rest.

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